This Sabbath carries little rest
My heart cannot be still
It's breaking full of unbelief
Could this have been His will?
I stare at spices sweet prepared
For the body of my Lord.
His body! Dead. Alive no more
I long for Living Word
How could my Jesus, Son of God
Be gone away from me?
How did this happen? O my soul!
I writhe in agony.
Was it I who sent Him there
To the cruel cross?
Why would He love me - me - so?
All I am is loss.
He wasn't recognizable
His face and body torn
But those eyes, yet filled with blood
Met my gaze alone
They did not cease to love me
E'en in the midst of pain
One look from Jesus and I knew
My guilt and all my shame
I wait, for now, to go to Him
His lifeless body there
One last thing I'll do for Him
One way to show my care
It should be me there in that tomb,
Mangled. Torn apart.
I wait this Sabbath, grieving sore
I cannot feel my heart.
O Sabbath, pass. O sun, please set.
Let me try to sleep
Up before the morning sun
His body I will treat.
But lo, someone has been here
The stone is rolled away
Who are these shining men?
What is that they say?
I cry. I still cannot believe.
This is a cruel trick.
Not understanding, I weep the more
My heart is sinking, sick.
Afraid and bowed, I process words
They said "He is not here",
"Why seek the living with the dead?"
I scarce believe for fear.
"He is risen!" - I hear them now
My Christ, alive, is it true?
My heart dares hope. My Lord's alive?
O Lord, I must see you!
"Why do you weep?" the gardener asks.
"Who are you looking for?"
"His body" is my sad reply.
"The body of my Lord."
Then I heard Him speak my name.
He knows me? my heart cries
I turn, my Jesus standing there!
He reaches, dries my eyes.
I weep for joy, remembering now
His words about third day.
"Go. Don't stay here; tell my friends."
With joy I do obey!
-NR 4/19/14